Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chili Cook-off

Every year I enter the dessert contest for the Chili Cook-off here at work. Every year I focus on taste more the appearance, and the desserts are judged without being tasted. Every year I loose. This year, I focused only on appearance and not so much on taste. And I have to tell you, the outcome was phenomenal. I was even impressed. Although I can’t take all the credit, my sister had to help me quite a bit with the execution since I had a screaming child on my hands.

This year though, they actually tasted the desserts. Let’s face it, taste wise, my cupcakes tasted just like chocolate cupcakes. There was nothing special done to the flavor. The special was in the decorating. But even with average tasting cupcakes, I ask you one thing. How did this not win??

Monday, November 8, 2010

Baby Face

So I'm doing some mad rush photo taking for Snapfish's Buy 1 book get 2 Free deal, which of course ends today.  I had to rush to get the studio set up, give Elina a bath and pick out her outfits.  It didn't help that poor Elina was way over tired and wanted nothing to do with me changing her clothes, messing with her posture and flashing bright lights into her eyes.  In the end, I was able to capture a few goodies.  I can't seem to take my eyes off of this particular gem...

Now how can you not love that face?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Rough Week

It really has been a rough week. My second week back at work and I’ve been hit with nothing but issues. Sadly they aren’t even my issues, they have been escalated to me. Which I guess it’s nice that my customers think I’m higher up instead of equal to my coworkers. But still. I’ve been spending so much time working on these issues that my own work has been stacking up. Of course it doesn’t help that Mason, Elina and I are all sick, or that I came home yesterday to poop on the kitchen floor. Not cool Charlie, not cool. The last couple of nights I’ve woken up at 3:30am to blow my nose so I can breathe again. Mason snores through the night regardless of my jabbing and Elina has become good friends with the aspirator bulb. She’s the only baby I know who thinks it’s funny most of the time.

This morning after my shower, I snuggled Elina while Mason was making her bottle. She stopped crying, curled up to me and started to drift back to sleep as I rested my cheek on her head. If I moved my head away from her, she squirmed until I put it back. For that little moment, standing in her dark room with a ratty towel on my head, all was right with the world. The stuffy nose was forgotten. The issues at work didn’t exist. It was just the two of us. Nothing else mattered.