Friday - Pre-Halloween Game Night
I can't speak for everyone else, but I had a blast. Everyone else said they had a great time, but would they honestly tell me if they didn't? And it sounds like such a cheesy thing to do, but they are always so much fun. And so much cheaper and better smelling then going to a bar. The Game of Things is still a favorite and I highly recommend it. Stephanie brought over Partini which was also tons of fun (and apparently Target no longer carries it). Since I have two friends that are allergic to dogs and three dogs, every inch of the house must be cleaned. The carpet gets steam cleaned (this is important to remember for later), the kitchen and the stairs get mopped, the dust gets swiped away (all of which needed to be done anyway), and the dogs get locked up or tossed outside.
Saturday - Wine-o-ween
Really, what needs to be said about this? Take Halloween mix it up with Halloween Themed Wine from World Market, dress up in PJ's as your costume and let the fun begin.
The Wine:
The Reds
The Whites
The Damage

It's amazing what 4 people can do.
Sunday - My Food Twin
Most people know that I have some interesting food quirks. It's not like I keep it a secret or anything, I even posted it on my dating profile. Pretty sure that's what made Mason fall for me. Anyway, I can't eat finger foods in odd numbers. Let's say we order onion rings as an appetizer, and everyone gets 3, I will have to give my 3rd one away because I can only eat 2 (or 4 if someone else doesn't want theirs). Mini peanut butter cups are eaten in 2's, so are pretzel sticks and toasted ravioli. Trader Joe's Veggie Sticks are eaten in sets of 6, because there are 3 different colors. This makes things like Twix and Kit-Kats the most perfect candy. I was recently told that I eat Kit-Kat's funny. I don't understand this. All I do is nibble the extra chocolate off the sides and then separate the wafers to eat individually. Apparently my Unofficial Future Sister In Law Emily does all of the things I just mentioned (and more), and we decided that if more then one person does them, then it's not weird.
Manic Monday - The Puddles
Remember that freshly steamed carpet in my house? Well, it's even fresher now. As I'm leaving my desk to head home, Mason calls and asks for a favor. He needs me to stop by Wal-mart and get some medicine for him, and some more shampoo for the steam cleaner. Charlie had gotten sick, all over the house. The bed skirt, my slippers, the rug by the back door, the wall and baseboard in the hall and the carpet in our bedroom, the hallway and the living room. Mason, who was also sick wanted to get the worst of it cleaned up before I got home, so I wouldn't have to deal with it. I knew I married him for a reason. He also knows that cleaning up dog diarrhea makes me almost vomit, or barf as my little niece would say (guess what word she learned to say yesterday). I'm 98% sure I know what it is that made him sick. The mud puddles in the back yard. For some reason they just look so tasty. So this weekend we are planning on raking leaves and filling in puddle catching holes. Sounds like fun doesn't it?
We are completely normal, not to mention witty, fascinating and gorgeous...other people just don't fully appreciate our unique charms :) We had so much fun this weekend, The Game of Things is definitely my new favorite!!!